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Associated Researchers - CTDUT

Associated Researchers

Here are presented the individuals who received this title by act of the Executive Council and had projects developed on CTDUT.


Alberto Gaspar Guimarães Resume of curriculum

Graduated in telecommunication engineering at the Military Institute of Engineering (1992), master in electrical engineering at the same institute (1998) and PHD in electrical engineering at PUC-RJ (2004). In 2006, he did a post-doctoral internship at the Institut National des Télécommunications, Evry (France) for 6 months. He is currently Professor of the Military Engineering Institute. His research interests are in Statistical Signal Processing, particularly on estimation methods for hidden Markov Chains models (HMM), including Monte Carlo methods (sequential and in Markov Chains), for using in Radiolocation and target tracking, Mobile Communications, inertial navigation and equalization.

Ø 2006 – 2012

CTPETRO-2006 Project (SISGED) – Modeling and Simulation of a Pipeline Georeferencing System

Description: The geo-referenced position of pipes can be identified by the use of PIGs equipped with an Inertial Navigation Unit. In this type of application, the instrumented PIG is conducted through the pipe and the measure of the sensors (accelerometer, gyroscope, etc) are stored during the displacement. The country does not dominate this technology and the few foreign companies that provide services of inertial pigging hold the entire Brazilian market. The modelling and simulation environment that will be developed will allow establishing several necessary parameters to the specifications of several components of the pipeline georeferencing system, such as: required accuracy of the inertial sensors, characteristic of the markers system,constructive information of pipes to be considered to the improvement of the precision of the estimation of its trajectory, filtering methods more suitable to the specific processing of the data of the sensors of inertial PIG, among others.

Status: Finished; Nature: Development

Members: Alberto Gaspar Guimarães – Coordinator / Paulo Cesar Pellanda – Member / Monique Soriano Vital da Silva – Member / Wander Ferreira Martins – Member / Marcos Ferreira Duarte Pinto – Member / Pedro Cunha Campos Roquette – Member / Carlos Renato Caputo Durão – Member.

Financiers: Brazilian Petroleum – Rio de Janeiro – Matrix – Financial Support / Projects and Studies Funds–Financial Support.

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André Laurindo Maitelli Resume of curriculum

Graduated in Electrical Engineering at Federal University of Mato Grosso (1986), he has a Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Brasília (1988) and a PhD in Electronic Engineering and Computing from the Technological Institute of Aeronautics (1994). He is currently a professor at the Department of Computer Engineering and Automation of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. He has experience in the Electrical Engineering area with emphasis on Electronic Process Control and Feedback. He mainly works on the following topics: automation, neural networks, predictive control, automatic control, advanced control and leak detection in pipes. He coordinates the Research Network in Instrumentation and Control (REDIC) of CTPETRO. He is experienced in the development of research in partnerships, mainly in the petroleum area, with development of products of great application.

Ø 2011 – current date

Development of Speed Control Technology for PIGs – Certified Project by Pipeway Engenharia on Oct/2012. Description: this Project aims the development of a PIG Speed Control System, composed of an electronically actuated by-pass in order to regulate the relative velocity between the PIG and the flow inside the pipe, ensuring that the speed of the PIG does not exceed pre-set limit values.The instrumented PIGs are inserted into the pipes that are inspected for the measurement of the wall thickness and are driven by the pipes’ own fluid, requiring a controlled speed so that the data can be collected and used successfully.

Status: In progress; Nature: Development.

Involved Students: Graduation: (4) / Master’s Degree: (2) / PhD: (1).

Members: André Laurindo Maitelli – Member / Andrés Ortiz Salazar –

Coordinator / Carla Wilza Souza de Paula Maitelli – Member.

Financiers: Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development)– Scholarship / Projects and Studies Funds – Financial Support.

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Denise Souza de Freitas Resume of curriculum

She is graduated in Chemical Engineering from the Fluminense Federal University – “UFF” (1989), has a master’s degree (1994) and a PhD (1999) in Corrosion Science and Engineering at the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology. Currently she is the Senior Technologist at the National Institute of Technology–“INT” and Vice President of the Brazilian Corrosion Association – ABRACO. She is a guest professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro – PUC-RJ and SENAI – Rio de Janeiro Regional Department.She is experienced in Engineering of Materials and Metallurgy, with emphasis on Corrosion Engineering, working mainly on the following topics: corrosion in environments containing CO2 and H2S, cathodic protection and corrosion monitoring.

Ø 2011 – 2012

Performance Evaluation of Corrosion Inhibitors for Use in Pipelines in Environments Containing CO2

Description: Evaluation of different corrosion inhibitors in carbon steel samples through compatibility tests and Bubble Tests.

Status: Finished; Nature: Development.

Involved Students: Graduation: (1) / Master’s degree: (1) / PhD: (1).

Members: Denise Souza de Freitas – Coordinator / Gustavo Xanchão da Motta – Member / Lisiane G. Lima – Member.

Ø 2008 – 2013

Evaluation of the parameters of Cathodic Protection on detachment of Coatings.

Description: Evaluate the influence of the cathodic protection parameters on the degradation of coatings in a controlled field, focusing the process of cathodic detachment.

Status: Finished; Nature: Development.

Involved Students: Graduation: (1) / Master’s degree: (1) / PhD: (1).

Members: Denise Souza de Freitas – Coordinator / Gustavo Xanchão da Motta – Member / Lisiane G. Lima – Member.

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Guillermo Rodolfo Jordan Ibañez Resume of curriculum

He holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Technical University of Oruro, Bolivia (2001), a Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering (emphasis on Structures) from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro(2010) and a PHD in progress (Geomechanical emphasis) from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. He is currently working as aresearcher inthe Laboratory of Mechanics of the Rocks from PUC-RJ in the field of the Program of the Thematic Networks of Petrobras/Petrobras Research Center. He has worked in the following areas: Structural Integrity in Gas and Oil Pipelines, with emphasis in tension analysis,propagation of crack, fracture mechanics, fatigue and numerical modelling based on the finite element method. Corrosion in pipeline. Geomechanics of Petroleum. Rock Mechanics. Biogas Generation Landfills.

Ø 2009 – 2011

Simulation using Dented Finite Element Method on Buried Pipes

Description: Numerical simulation in the pipeline area that correlates soil rigidity, pipe slenderness index, dent depth and internal pressure with tension concentration facts. It allows generating a parameterization of the preliminary tests and the creation of a definitive grid of simulations. To achieve this goal, around 180 three-dimensional analyzes were performed.

Status: Finished; Nature: Research.

Members: Guillermo Rodolfo Jordan Ibañez – Coordinator / Sergio Cunha – Member.

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José Luiz de França Freire Resume of curriculum

Mechanical and Industrial Engineer (1972) and Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (1975) from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. PhD in Engineering Mechanics (1979) from IOWA State University. He is currently a professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. He is hardly experienced in Mechanical Engineering, with emphasis on Solid Mechanics and Experimental Analysis of Voltages.

Ø 2007 – current date

Project: Reels of 32’’

Objective: evaluate the performance of five inspection tools in pipelines for a fixed time in a test circuit of 14″

Status: In Progress; Nature: Technological Service

Ø 2012

Project: Hydrostatic test in epoxy pipe

Objective: Hydrostatic test until rupture of pipe made of epoxy and reinforced with glass fiber DN 8″ of 4,500mm.

Status: Finished; Nature: Technological Service

Ø 2013 – current date

Project: Evaluation of soft dented pipes with metallic repairs

Objective:Evaluate soft dented pipes with metallic repairs

Status: In Progress; Nature: Technological Service

Members: José Luiz de França Freire / Ronaldo Domingues Vieira

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José Luiz de Medeiros Resume of curriculum

He holds a degree in Chemical Engineering from Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1980), a Master’s degree in Chemical Engineering from Federal University of Rio de Janeiro(1982) and PHD in Chemical Engineering from Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1990). He is currently Adjunct Professor at the Chemistry School ofFederal University of Rio de Janeiro. He has experience in several sectors of Chemical Engineering, with emphasis on Petroleum and Petrochemical, acting mainly in the following disciplines and research lines:Applied Thermodynamics; Processes of Separation, Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Chemical Processes; Process Identification, Applied Statistics, Mathematical Methods and Parameter Estimation.The application scenarios concentrate on Hydrotreatment and Hydrocracking of Petroleum Fractions, Compositional Modeling of Petroleum Fractions, Compressible and Incompressible Flow Networks, Flow in Oil and Gas Production Lines, Detection of Leaks, Capture of CO2 and H2S with Technologies of Contact with Aqueous Solutions of Ethanolamines, Purification of Natural Gas throughPermeators and Membrane Contactors and Technologies for CO2 Sequestration. www.h2cin.org.br

Ø 2006 – 2014

CTPETRO-2006 Project (SDVDUTOS2) – Development of leak detection system in Pipelines using Stochastic Methods of Real Time Monitoring

Nature: Project CTPETRO-FINEP on the Public Invitation MCT/FINEP/CTPETRO Strategic Topics 01/2006.

Objectives: The objective of the project is to develop computer systems for real-time monitoring of pipelines via SCADA technology associated with dynamic stochastic simulation aiming at predicting operational regimes and detecting abnormalities such as leaks.The proposal is to use a stochastic predictor for incompressible flow networks operating over time series of process data.The approach consists of detecting, locating and quantifying the leak estimating its size and position parameters by adherence of the stochastic simulator response to temporal data of the damaged pipeline.

Status: Finished; Nature: Development.

Involved Students: Graduation: (2) / Specialization: (0) / Academic Master’s Degree: (1) / Professional Master’s Degree: (0) / PhD: (1).

Members: Jose Luiz de Medeiros – Coordinator / André L H Costa – Member / Ofélia Q F Araújo – Member / Carlos André Vaz Junior – Member.

Financiers: Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos –Financial Support / Petróleo Brasileiro (Petrobras) – Rio de Janeiro – Matrix – Financial Support.

Number of productions C, T & A: 16 / Number of counselling: 2

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Luis Fernando Alzuguir Azevedo Resume of curriculum

He holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro(1978), a Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro(1981) and a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Minnesota (1985). He is currently an associate professor at Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. He works in the area of fluid mechanics and experimental heat transfer. He develops fundamental and applied works in turbulent flow in pipelines, with guarantee of flow in the petroleum industry, two-phase flowage and optical methods for flow measurement.

Ø 1999 – 2006

Project to implement a research and training center in the pipeline area – CTDUT

Description: The objective of the project was the construction of a research and training laboratory in the area of pipeline transportation. The Pipeline Technology Center – CTDUT is equipped with full-scale installations, capable to operate with real fluids where hydrodynamic tests can be performed. It also has a pillbox for destructive tests of structural integrity. The CTDUT is legally structured as a non-profit association open to the participation of research institutions, universities and companies. In 2006, when CTDUT started its activities, it had 19 institutional partners. The CTDUT deployment project also included research laboratories linked to the pipeline area of PUC-Rio.

Status: Finished; Nature: Research.

Involved Students: Graduation: (2) / Specialization: (0) / Academic Master’s Degree: (7) / Professional Master’s Degree: (0) / PhD: (1).

Members: Luis Fernando Alzuguir Azevedo – Coordinator A. M. Braga – Member / Oswaldo Inojosa – Member.

Financiers: Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos – Financial Support.

Number of productions C, T & A: 1 / Number of counselling: 1

Ø 2007 – 2014

Key studies on the reduction of friction on pipes

Description: The project involves experimental studies on the reduction of friction on pipes. Three different mechanisms are being studied: reduction of friction by addition of polymers, reduction of friction by modification of surfaces (riblets) and reduction of friction by lubrication of the fluid.

Status: In Progress; Nature: Research.

Involved Students: Graduation: (2) / Master: (2) / PhD: (1).

Members: Luis Fernando Alzuguir Azevedo – Coordinator / Marcio da Silveira Carvalho – Member / Juliana Khulmann Abrantes – Member.

Financiers: Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos – Financial Support.

Ø 2007 – current date

Numerical and experimental simulation of the transient behavior of relief valves for pipes

Description: The objective of this project is the development of simulation models of the dynamic behavior of relief valves for pipes. The project also involves conducting experiments.

Status: In progress; Nature: Research.

Involved Students: Academic Master: (1).

Members: Luis Fernando Alzuguir Azevedo – Coordinator / A. O. Nieckele – Member / Luis Fernando Gonçalves Pires – Member.

Financier: Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos – Financial Support.

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Luiz Claudio de Marco Meniconi Resume of curriculum

Graduation in Mechanical Engineering from Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1981), Master in Civil Engineering from the Alberto Luiz Coimbra Institute for Post-Graduate Studies and Engineering Research (COPPE/UFRJ, 1989) and PhD in Mechanical Engineering – University of Manchester (1999). He is currently the equipment engineer of the Leopoldo Américo Miguez de Mello Research and Development Center, from Petrobras. He has experience in technology of materials, with emphasis in Tension Analysis and Mechanical Tests of composite and polymer materials, mainly working in the following areas: pipelines, marine structures, flexible lines and risers.

Ø 2011-2015

MATCOMP – Preparation for repairing tests with composite material in a non-straight pipe section

Description: To create physical conditions to conduct mechanical tests on tubular specimens, with the acquisition and installation of the main equipment of pressurization assembly using aself-contained hydraulic pump INSTRON 8802, with capacity to employ pressures up to 1000 bar, for tests of mechanical resistance to fatigue.

Status: Finished, Nature: Research

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Ronaldo Domingues Vieira Resume of curriculum

He has technical certification in Mechanics from CEFET-RJ (1973), graduation in Mechanical Engineering from Gama Filho University (1978) and Master’s Degreein Mechanical Engineering – Solid Mechanics from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro(1981). He was a guest Professor at FH-Munich in 1989. He has experience in mechanical engineering, with emphasis on tension analysis, working mainly in the following topics: mechanical engineering, tension analysis, structural integrity and fault analysis.

Ø 2008

Composite Material Pipe

Description: Hydrostatic test in composite material piping with acoustic tracking

Status: Finished Nature: Technological Service

Ø 2008

Durability of composite material repairs (Phase 1)

Description: Evaluate the durability of composite material blanket repairs in pipes corrosion

Status: Finished Nature: Technological Service

Ø 2010

Test of Tool to stop leaks in pipelines (Phase II)

Description: Hydrostatic test of mechanical resistance to evaluate the efficiency of repair on induced defects, performed by a pipe repair machine

Status: Finished Nature: Technological Service

Ø 2009

Repair durability using composite materials (Phase II)

Description: repair test performance on steel pipes with mass loss, using composite material.

Status: Finished Nature: Technological Service

Ø 2011

Re-testing of repaired pipes with composite material blankets (Phase II)

Description: Re-test of specimens of pipes with thickness loss defects repaired with composite material, which were buried in CTDUT and presented pressure loss.

Status: Finished Nature: Technological Service

Ø 2011 – 2014

Curved Pipes

Rupture test on composite repaired pipe of 18″

Description: Repair of non-straight ducts with composite material blanket – static tests

Status: Finished Nature: Technological Service

Ø 2013

Evaluation study of the efficiency of repairs with composite materials Phase 1

Description: Rupture and hydrostatic test on a pipe of 3.2 m long, 18’’ nominal diameter and 6,4 mm thickness, API 5L X65 ERW, repaired with composite material

Status: Canceled Nature: Technological Service

Ø 2013 – current date

Evaluation of pipes with soft dents using metallic repairs

Description: Evaluation of the efficiency of composite materials repairs on straight pipeline specimens, through the performance of mechanical tests, using CTDUT test area and technical resources. Six different suppliers that will be defined by Cenpes will perform the repairs.Straight pipeline specimens will be hydrostatically tested until disruption.

Status: In Progress; Nature:

Members: Ronaldo Domingues Vieira / José Luiz de França Freire

Ø 2013 – 2014

Test to pull the pipes out with composed gel.

Description: Evaluate pipes with soft dent and metallic repair

Status: Finished Nature: Technological Service

Ø 2014

Hydrostatic Testof derivation T-type of 6″

Description: Group of three hydrostatic tests on T-type pipes with 6″ and 1.5 meters length

Status: Finished Nature: Technological Service

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